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    Machine learning is playing a critical role in enhancing cybersecurity by detecting threats, identifying anomalies, and analyzing user behavior to prevent attacks.

    Threat Detection and Prevention

    Machine learning models continuously monitor network traffic and user activity to detect potential threats in real-time. By analyzing patterns and identifying deviations from the norm, ML can spot suspicious behavior that may indicate a cyberattack. This allows organizations to respond quickly and mitigate risks before significant damage occurs.

    Network Anomaly Identification

    Anomalies in network activity can be early indicators of security breaches. Machine learning algorithms are adept at detecting these anomalies by analyzing vast amounts of data and recognizing patterns that differ from typical behavior. By identifying these irregularities, ML helps prevent data breaches and unauthorized access, ensuring the integrity of critical systems.

    User Behavior Analysis

    Understanding user behavior is essential for detecting insider threats and preventing unauthorized activities. Machine learning models analyze how users typically interact with systems and flag any unusual behavior. This proactive approach allows organizations to detect and respond to potential security threats, even from within, before they escalate.

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